Thursday, June 9, 2011

The goldRush Rally - 5 Days of Pure Gold.

Fast cars, high-class parties and road tripping. That's right - this company is doing exactly what you want to do, and doing it right.

The goldRush Rally is one of several performance and supercar rallies created by companies with the desire to bring the 1980’s Cannonball Run movies to life. Created in partnership with Luxury4Play, a social network and lifestyle brand for everything expensive and fun, the goldRush Rally has gained quite a reputation in its short life of barely 3 years. Despite common misconception, the goldRush brand is not just a rally - it's a lifestyle brand.

Although the rally itself is goldRush’s most highlighted event, the company is present at several events across America. In fact, that recognition among the booming American automotive market is a brilliant part of this company’s success. goldRush gives other like-minded companies a chance to become an official sponsor of the goldRush rally and brand. That way, the companies gain exposure among the rally participants, as well as the luxury lifestyle crowd that it draws. Not to mention the amount of news coverage and social media chatter that this kind of commotion is sure to stir up.

Real "mobile" advertising for sponsors.

The third annual goldRush Rally is less than a week away, but there is still time to register! If you have $7000 and a badass car, you can be registered and on the way to Denver for June 14th when the flag drops at 10:00 am. From there it’s 5 days of driving, exclusive parties and VIP service all the way to L.A. Did I mention the badass cars? Seriously. This is the nicest collection of cars on the road since the Gumball 3000, which happens to have happened just 2 weeks ago.

The goldRush Rally attracts the fastest of the fast. All kinds of Lamborghinis, Porsches and Ferraris can be seen annually on the rally, along with some of my favourites like the Nissan GT-R and the mighty Corvette ZR1. Most of the cars are painted gold or outfitted with gold accents and decals for the rally. Even some of the rally’s participants don gold masks, bandanas and other clothing throughout the event.

Does this look like your life's dream, or what?

Having already gotten a taste of the rally lifestyle while volunteering in the Gumball 3000, the goldRush Rally was on my bucket-list from the moment I heard its name – it just screams “good times”! From the looks of the trailer and previous videos from goldRush Rally members, this looks to be one of the best rallies out there. Considering the company operates out of 4 states already, I have the slightest ray of hope that they might expand into Canada one day. If not, I'll have to head south for some adventure.

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